Comments and corrections
If you have a comment or correction about a Mystery Worshipper report,
please post here for possible
inclusion on this page, or else on our Ecclesiantics
bulletin board, where you can discuss with other readers. Several
of our Mystery Worshippers also post on the board.
New comments
> 3316: Uncle Max was treasurer at St Matthew's, San Francisco
> 3309: Babel at St Mark the Evangelist, Hood River, USA?
> 3308: Sins & sinners at Northminster Presbyterian, Phoenix
> 3302: The thurible at St Mary's, Stanley, Falkland Islands
> 3298: Report or judgment? Peace Lutheran, Peoria, USA
> 3279: Why no penitential rite at Catholic Outreach, USA?
> 3275: Why no cross at St Mary's, Birmingham, USA
> 3274: Bishop had a sore throat: Exeter Cathedral, UK
> 3272: Spot on! Church of the Epiphany, Tempe, USA
> 3271: Is Tewkesbury Abbey Anglo-Catholic?
> 3262: Well done! The Nativity, Bethlehem
> 3243: I'd have made cocoa! St Laurence, Cambridge, UK
> 3241: Bach Vespers at St-Mary-at-Hill, Eastcheap, London
> 3238: The "Mystery Preacher" at St Patrick's Patterdale
> 3200: Why no young people at Grace, Surprise, USA?
> 3198: The bells at Bristol Pride Service
> 3194: Come back again to St Brelade's, Jersey
> 3153: Service at St John's, Smith Square, unfairly criticised
> 3147: Who is the "mystery saint" at St George's, Berlin?
> 3146: The end of the Cowleys? Ss Mary & John, Cambridge
> 3141: The psalms at St Anselm Community, Lambeth Palace
> 3122: Spot on, but come again: Encanto, Phoenix, USA
> 3120: Preaching at Laestadian Lutheran, Cave Creek, USA
> 3114: Fireplace Church not the only "Spirit filled" church
> 3097: St Brendan's, Los Angeles, does have an organ
> 3085: Encouraging words for St Paul's Community, Denver
> 3072: Lord's Supper clarified: Belmont Christian, Virginia
> 3069: Don't come on a holiday: McKinney Church, Ft Worth, TX
> 3068: Crossed stoles at S. Maria Domkyrka, Visby, Sweden
> 3060: Singing lusty, not off-key, at Whiteface UMC, USA
> 3038: Thanks for visiting "Old St Joe's," Philadelphia, USA
> 3034: What a beautiful service! French Church, NYC
> 2994: Why consecration delayed? St Mark's, Harrogate, UK
> 2985: Where is Whitfield's tump? St Mary Newington, UK
> 2979: Come for the music next time! St Paul's, San Diego
> 2970: Why quizzed at Westminster Chapel, London?
> 2958: The mass schedule at St Gregory, Cheltenham, UK
> 2951: Wakeup call for Village Church South, Surrey, BC
> 2945: Sermon clarified: Laird Street Baptist, Birkenhead, UK
> 2910: Thanks & come back any time! St Peter, Stockport, UK
> 2909: Why not introduce yourself? St George, New Orleans
> 2907: Come see for yourself! St Giles, Northampton, UK
> 2906: Irresponsible, troubling report: Holy Trinity, Brompton
> 2880: The architecture of Church of the Angels, Pasadena
> 2873: The old wooden altar at St Paul's, Cheshunt, UK
> 2856: Not our usual: Redland Parish Church, Bristol, UK
> 2853: It's only a concert: St Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, USA
> 2846: Why no confession? Grace & Holy Trinity, Kansas City
> 2845: My experience was different at St Hilary's, Wallasey, UK
> 2827: We'll do better next time: Advent, Boston, USA
> 2818: Not so hard to find? Grace Family Church, Aigburth, UK
> 2815: Who was that deacon? St Johns, Detroit, USA
> 2813: More about the BCP: St Mary the Virgin, Hamilton, ON
> 2811: Is Ronald Crane a priest? Chichester Ordinariate, UK
> 2806: Come have some pancakes! St Mary's, Lliscard, UK
> 2794: Some facts re Loyola Retreat House, Morristown, USA
> 2792: Some corrections re Gustaf Adolfs Kyrka, Liverpool
> 2781: Truly warm and reverent: St Walburge's, Preston, UK
> 2770: Wish I was there! Worcester Cathedral, UK
> 2760: Watchtower & Bible study: JW Convention, Liverpool
> 2741: Assumption calendared? St Joan of Arc, Orleans, USA
> 2733: Charming report! St Mary the Virgin, Shepperdine, UK
> 2719: Some interesting facts re St Mary's, Alexandria, USA
> 2712: Why no paschal candle at St John's, Trowbridge, UK
> 2707: Was the mass at Ladyewell, UK, concelebrated?
> 2705: Sorry you had to stand: St Elisabeth's, Wallasey, UK
> 2697: Lovely vicar: St James the Less, Pimlico, London
> 2679: Chanting of the Passion at Prince of Peace Abbey, USA
> 2673: Instruments played at St Edmundsbury Cathedral, UK
> 2667: Some clarification re St Mary the Virgin, Sawston, UK
> 2665: The reporter misheard me: North Phoenix Baptist, USA
> 2664: Miss Lawson demystified: St Paul's, Newton Road
> 2659: Is Dome of Home, Wirral, UK, friendlier than reported?
> 2649: The sermon at St Mary Star of the Sea, Oceanside, USA
> 2641: Who is "Father John"? St Paul's, Bedford, UK
> 2636:
St Columba's Cathedral is the envy of Oban, Scotland
> 2634:
Why is Newinton Green Unitarian an "exception"?
> 2608: Names tags &
choir robes at St John, Vancouver
> 2606: Not boring to be
prayed for: Crowded House, Sheffield
> 2589: Children not disruptive
at St Wilfrid's, Harrowgate, UK
> 2584: Sermon and music
at Dulwich Grove URC, London
> 2581: Come back any time: St Mark's Cathedral, Minneapolis
> 2577: Noisy visitors
noticed at Grace Church, Charleston, USA
> 2575: Baptism, Baptist
style: Shepton Mallet, UK
> 2570: Too hard on minister?
Fogo Island United, Canada
> 2562: Who's in charge
at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, UK?
> 2553: Worship or observe?
St Thomas More, Glendale, USA
> 2544: A skewed, invalid report: Christ Church, Carefree, AZ
> 2517: Who preached at
Camden Town Methodist, London?
> 2512: The music at Holy
Trinity Lutheran, New York City
> 2508: Who read the intercessions
at ABC's installation?
> 2503: Yes, there was
coffee at Heavenly Rest, NYC
> 2496:
Did Jackie Kennedy attend St Ignatius Loyola, NYC?
> 2489: "Woman"
not disrespectful: St Michael's, Auburn, USA
> 2488: Was sermon at Wellington
Cathedral, NZ not solid?
> 2455: Was Robert Wright
the first black priest in Atlanta?
> 2445: Thanks and lessons
learnt: All Saints, Freshwater
> 2433: Greenbelt 2012
report is an unfair appraisal
> 2403: More facts about
Christian Life Centre, Horsham
> 2384: Glad to hear Costa
del Sol West is flourishing
> 2374: Try the solemn
mass next time: St Thomas's, Toronto
> 2381: Reporter too harsh
on Our Saviour, Pagosa Springs
> 2315: Congregation loud
and proud at Sacred Heart, Ilkey
> 2295:
Who posed for the mural at St Agnes, New York City?
> 2272: They were friendly to me: Holy Cross, Woodchurch, UK
> 2228: Who comprises Iglesia Reestructurada, East LA?
> 2207: Highland Park UMC
not the Bushes' home church
> 2140: Come visit Sun Valley Mennonite, El Mirage, again
> 2097: Who's behind the altar? St Stephen's, Clydebank, UK
> 2092: Peoples Church, Newtownabbey, blessed by God
> 2052: Thanks and c'mon back! Southover Church, Lewes, UK
> 2035: Many memories of Vanløse Kirke, Copenhagen
> 2032: Gran would be pleased: All Saints, Melbourne
> 1973: One visit not enough: Superet Light, Los Angeles, CA
> 1958: The age of Catedral
de San Ildefonso, Mérida, México
> 1921: Definition of "middle
aged" in All Saints Margaret St
> 1864: We love it here! Wave Church, Virginia Beach, USA
> 1775: Has God abandoned Westminster Abbey?
> 1758: SS Peter &
Sigfrid not only English church in Stockholm
> 1697: Was reporter mocking
St Luke's, Sedona?
> 1681: Malevolent and
waspish report of Selly Oak Methodist
> 1659: I'll try it! St Stephen's, Pensacola, Florida, USA
> 1616: "Sabotage"
report on Resurrection, Brewster, MA
> 1587: Bells, smells & tea at St George's Cathedral, Southwark
> 1576: Thanks for taking
me inside St Anthony's, Istanbul
> 1575: Bethesda in Saratoga
Springs is bigger than reported
> 1569: Regular coffee
and tea are available at Mars Hill, Seattle
> 1552: Unfair critique
of organist at Union Church, Hunstanton
> 1531: Report on St Paul's,
Visalia, CA, uses liberal denigration
> 1520: Correction on Christ
Church, Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides
> 1511: Green colour scheme
in Methodist Central Hall, Coventry
> 1480: An encounter with
the Infant of Prague in Panny Marie
> 1475: Newman Center at ASU, Tempe, USA, different now
> 1467: Sermon length at
Church of the Servant, Grand Rapids, MI
> 1454: C'mon back — we've moved! CCF, Ortigas, Philippines
> 1451: The skull and crossbones
in St Peter ad Vincula, London
> 1400: Foreign language
readings at Our Lady, Cambridge
> 1398: Architectural note
on Gloria Dei, Providence, Rhode Island
> 1384: Why St Mark's Cathedral,
Seattle, looks the way it does
> 1378: The "organ" is
a piano at Grace, Hamilton, Ontario
> 1375: West Edmonton:
"We knew this day would come!"
> 1367: Water leak repaired
in the Chapel of Kings College London
> 1361: Holy pretzels at
St Mark's, Philadelphia
> 1350: More (than you
want to know) about Praemonstratensians
> 1347: The prairie-green
vestments of St Paul's, Regina, Canada
> 1338: Bread and circus? St Thomas Aquinas, Bowral, NSW
> 1336: There's always
an invite to coffee at St Clement's, Prague
> 1334: Did you mistime
the 55 minute sermon? Vanguard, CO
> 1332: St Edmund's, Acle,
wants an apology very, very soon
> 1330: Abundant Life,
Bradford: "Everybody has heard of it!"
> 1328: Some corrections
on Old Swedes Church, Wilmington, DE
> 1327: Welton Baptist
preached on hell... what do you expect?
> 1318: Ommitting confession
at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
> 1308: Much changed at All Saints, Marlow, Bucks, UK
> 1261: Churchwarden writes
from All Saints, Carshalton, Surrey
> 1259: Lutheranism at
Liverpool Cathedral: What do you mean?
> 1257: Greeks vs. Romans
at St Pancras, Euston, London
> 1256: What are the columns
like, on Reykjavík's Hallgrímskirkja?
> 1250: They don't care: Woodmen Chapel, Colorado Sp., USA
> 1245: The ghost of Christ
Church, Poughkeepsie!
> 1239: Notes on St Mary
the Virgin, Holy Island, UK
> 1229: Likewise, no one
spoke to me at All Saints, Margaret St
> 1224: Romsey Abbey, UK,
has been "the same for 40 years"
> 1218: Communion in both
kinds: St Virgilius, Broad Channel, NY
> 1209: "You've missed
the point" at Newman House, London
> 1197: The welcome at
Southampton University Chaplaincy, UK
> 1194: Grace & Holy
Trinity, KC, serves 500+ meals a Sunday
> 1184: Lack of welcome
at St Margaret Mary's, Oakland
> 1182: About the organ
at First United Methodist, Hershey, PA
> 1179: About the architecture
of St Thomas, Belleville, Ontario
> 1176: The music and preaching
of St Mary's, New Haven, CT
> 1164: Difficult but hopeful
time at St John the Divine, NYC
> 1157: Accent should be
no surprise at Aberfoyle, Scotland
> 1148: MW too "middle
class" about OWG, Dartford
> 1141: Report on Second
Presbyterian, Chicago, gets it right
> 1130: Thank you: Trinity, Tariffville, Connecticut, USA
> 1116: Greenbelt 2005
communion service
> 1115: St Peter &
St Paul, Eye, Suffolk, UK, is not so unusual
> 1105: St Mary of Angels, Chicago, never slated for demolition
> 1099: Directions to the
restroom in Cadet Chapel, West Point, NY
> 1098: St James, Preston,
was designed by committee
> 1096: Remarks from the
pastor of Grace Church, Goodmayes, UK
> 1093: Continental traditions
and St Michael's, Edinburgh
> 1088: The butterfly in
All Saints, Princeton, NJ, USA
> 1082: "Brief comments"
on Christ Church, Alexandria, VA, USA
> 1075: The opening words
at St Mary the Virgin, Chelsea, London
> 1073: I wasn't welcomed either at St James, Piccadilly
> 1071: Non-welcome at
Southwark Cathedral, London
> 1064: Does UCKG, London,
teach health and wealth?
> 1062: (Lack of) welcome: All Souls, Langham Place, London
> 1061: The teaching of
Hillsong is unbiblical and disturbing
> 1057: Report " a
bit harsh" for The Drive Methodist, Ilford, UK
> 1055: Is Covent Garden
Evangelical due for another visit?
> 1050: Sound system in
St George's, Hanover Square, London
> 1049: Curses for what
you do: Redeemed Church, Tooting
> 1048: Latecomers at Hinde
Street Methodist, London
> 1044: Thank you! Wesley's Chapel, London
> 1039: Some incorrect
details for Regent Square URC, London
> 1034: Non-musicians at
The Salvation Army, London
> 1023: Happy clappy"
is disrespectful at KICC, Hackney, London
> 1021: Passing the peace
at All Saints, Margaret St, London, UK
> 1007: Spreydon Baptist
(NZ) report is a "poor reflection"
> 1005: The coffee at King Charles the Martyr, Tunbridge Wells
> 1004: Jim's American
accent at Strandtown Baptist, Belfast
> 999: Mystery Worshipper
needs saving at Whitewell, Belfast
> 988: Paradise Community
person gives it to us with both barrels
> 983: Folk Mass at St Anthony
of Padua, Forest Gate, London, UK
> 979: "Liturgically full
& grand:" Concordia, Highgate, Australia
> 976: You went to the wrong
service: St Paul's, London, Ontario
> 972: Notes on the organ
of Christ the King, San Francisco
> 960: The anthem at Grace Episcopal, Amherst, USA
> 956: Is Sint Nicolaaskerk,
Amsterdam, Catholic or not?
> 955: The Cathdral in Charleston
SC was ruined in the Civil War
> 950: The "pirate" of St
Mary the Virgin (Wotton Under Edge, UK)
> 949: Wrong photo of Star of the Sea, Bakau, The Gambia
> 948: Try it again: Our
Lady of Perpetual Help, Brooklyn, NYC
> 937: Beer & wine served
at St Gerard's feast, Newark, USA
> 931: What's the point
of Benediction? St Chad's, Bradford, UK
> 915: Flabbergasted by
sermon: St Thomas, Kuantan, Malaysia
> 910: Lots of changes happening
at Zion, Chesterfield, UK
> 908: The hymn book at
Cathedral, St John's, Canada
> 894: Did you attend the
same church I know? Willow Creek, IL
> 893: Does the MWer know
Jesus? Toronto Airport Fellowship
> 881: Forward in Faith
and St Peter & Paul (Uppingham, UK)
> 829: Appalled by the report
on Regina Pacis, Brooklyn, NYC
> 793: St Alban & St Augustine
(London) closes its doors
> 750: Try revisiting a
service at All Saints, Pawleys Island, SC
> 725: Take the bus to St Luke's, Highwoods, Colchester, UK
> 720: West Vale Baptist
has closed: Halifax, England
> 716: St Margaret's is
"a highlight of my visits to Palm Desert"
> 715: Inaccuracies over
Christ Church (Riverton, NJ, USA)
> 648: New priest at St Luke's, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> 623: Christ Church, Bangkok,
Thailand, is too folksy
> 593: Our Lady & St
George, Walthamstow, is usually bursting
> 593: The Mystery Worshipper
should meet Father Maurice!
> 565: Christ Church, Plano, Texas, no longer Episcopal
> 554: Lansdowne Baptist Church, UK, to be demolished
> 553: Care to pay us another
visit? Elim Pentcostal, Coventry, UK
> 538: Much changed at Ebenezer Baptist, Scarborough, UK
> 523: We're much different
now: Halesworth & Bramfield URC
> 508: The sandal in the window at Bath Abbey, UK
> 493: Come again to St
James, West Streatham, London
> 492: I've always been
blessed at Rome Baptist, Rome, Italy
> 471: Jazz worship is not
the norm at Asylum Hill Hartford, CT
> 462: Parking tips for
Christ the King, Brighton, UK
> 427:
St Saviour's, Hampstead, has emerged from the desert
> 415: Joyful, friendly: St Cyprian's, Clarence Gate, London
> 386:
Things better now at St Philip's, Charleston, USA
> 385: Exactly as remembered:
Eglise Peres Carmes, Brussels
> 362: Clarifying Orthodox
practices: Sign of the Theotokos
> 354: Welcomed warmly at
United House of Prayer, Roxbury, MA
> 325: Lighthouse, Charmouth,
Dorset, no longer exists
> 284: An update on St Thomas
the Apostle, Hollywood, CA
> 245: Tulsa Open Bible
Fellowship really is as good as you say!
> 224: Dunwoody Baptist, Atlanta, was never Avon Cosmetics
> 136: Things different now at Mutley Baptist, Plymouth, UK
> 167: Why so few at compline?
St Peter's, Winchester, UK
> 126: Admirably observed
report from Edington Priory, UK
> 90: Our area's high crime
rate isn't unusual (Towbridge, Cardiff)
> 81: A note on Calvary
Community Church, Westlake Village, CA
> 48: Much has changed at
Washington National Cathedral
> 28: Sticky fate of Mystery
Worshipper: Harvest Rock, Pasadena
> 1: Thank God for Kensington
Temple, London
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