1098: Unbelievable, St James, Preston, Lancashire, England
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12 June 2006
I laughed at the comment made by your Mystery Worshipper that the church was designed by committee... it was! I was a member when the original, beautiful church building was condemmed (usual story, lack of funds) and the current building was the church hall. The arguments raged for ever on what to include and what to dump. I personally wanted it to be all modern, but being the token youth among 50, 60 and 70-somethings, I was ignored. I hated the changes and eventually moved on. However, I am now intrigued and considering a visit!
Lindy Mitchell
8 August 2005
On the comment in the report on Unbelievable, St James, Preston, Lancashire, England: "A keyboard and a tenor recorder. No, really, a tenor recorder."
My email is really just a quibble, but is this comment a criticism of recorders in church generally, or was this particular one played badly? If so, say so straight out. If (as I suspect) it was just unexpected, then I object (as a recorder player) to this piece of prejudice; it sounds just like Samuel Johnson's comment about a woman preacher. The room was small and empty enough (as Latecomer says) that a louder instrument could well have been too much.
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