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Editor's choice
Something Special
> Unresolved yesterdays at Trinity Cathedral, Phoenix, USA
> Yodeling mass at Augustinerkirche, Zürich, Switzerland
> Quiet reflection: Pride Service, Bristol Cathedral, UK
> High as it gets: Alban Pilgrimage, St Albans Cathedral, UK
> Liturgical Performance at St Paul's Cathedral, London
> Fools for Christ at All Saints, Haggerston, London
> Pontifical vespers, new organ: Sts Simon & Jude, Phoenix
> HM The Queen turns 90: Worcester Cathedral, UK
> Lay ministers honoured: All Souls, Langham Place, London
> Holy Chaos at NoorderLichtkerk, Zeist, The Netherlands
> Haydn's Last Words of Christ: St Catherine's, Montacute, UK
> Passion mime at Trinity Lutheran, Phoenix, USA
> Ashes and light rail: Ashes To Go, Phoenix, USA
> Transcendent moment at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
> Rehearsal for Rapture: Everfound, White Rock Baptist, USA
> Transported to heaven: Rush-bearing at Forest Chapel, UK
> Boorish choir at liturgical concert, St Sava, Phoenix, USA
> "Miserable offenders"
aboard the RMS Queen Mary 2
> Medieval Dominican Rite
mass: St Vincent Ferrer, New York
> Bishop consecrates Church
of the Advent, Lillian, USA
> Rise up! National Memorial
Service, Christchurch, NZ
> Highway 95, Nevada:
Nuclear Stations of the Cross
> Pagan Samhain,
Nine O'Clock Community, Sheffield, England
Famous & infamous
> Robert E. Lee nephew preaches at Epiphany, Tempe, USA
> Devil gets his due at Schlosskirche, Wittenberg, Germany
> Whiff of the museum: Huguenot Church, Charleston, USA
> Close to heaven: National Pilgrimage, Walsingham, UK
> Distractions abound at St Georgenkirche, Eisenach, Germany
> Messily hierarchical: Monastery of Simonopetra, Mt Athos
> Pushed away at Holy and Great Lavra, Mt Athos
> Warmed at Community of St Anselm, Lambeth Palace, London
> Holy but weird: St Anthony’s Monastery, Florence, USA
> Foretaste of eternity: Brixton NT Church of God, London
> No peace for the saints at Guards Chapel, London
> Dichotomy at Saint Paul Community of Faith, Denver, USA
> Perfect! Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula, London
> Bodyguard for priest at St Patrick's Cathedral, NYC
> Organ speaks at St Malachy’s, New York City
> Mountains and palms at Furnace Creek, Death Valley, USA
> Nice but no pancakes at Old North Church, Boston, USA
> Incense triggers alarm: Blessed Sacrament Shrine, USA
> Relaxed and at home: Cathédrale Notre-Dame, Paris
> Dedication remembered: Little Flower Shrine, Royal Oak, USA
> St Lucy honoured at Gustaf Adolfs Kyrka, Liverpool, UK
> Surreal re-opening of Shrine of St Walburge, Preston, UK
> Zebras in the sky: Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention, UK
> A new religion? Glide Memorial, San Francisco, USA
> Vicar of Baghdad preaches: Holy Trinity, Clapham, London
> No shortcuts at Zionskirche, Bielefeld, Germany
> Land Rovers and Lurex at St Winefride's, Holywell, UK
> Honour tinged with irony:
St Bart Cathedral, Frankfurt
> Rolling splendor at
Cristo Rey Monastery, San Francisco
> Punch-drunk ecstasy
at St Paul's Cathedral, London
> CS Lewis in Poets Corner,
Westminster Abbey, London
> Thoughtful, inclusive
Ascension Day: St Martin-in-the-Fields
> Pomp and splendour at
Dome of Home, New Brighton, UK
> Accession Day at St
Mary's Priory, Lancaster, UK
> Walsingham anniversary
celebrated at York Minster, UK
> Bishop Eddie Long delivers
his "fighting statement"
> Rev's minus 1 at St
Saviour in the Marshes, London
> Queueing to see the
Holy Shroud, Turin, Italy
> Martyrdom of Oscar Romero:
Westminster Abbey, London
> Unpleasant staff at
Westminster Abbey, London, UK
> Communion on the Net
with Post the Host, YouTube
> St Mark's Basilica,
Venice, Italy
> Church of the Holy Sepulchre,
> Shrill music, friendly
people at St Pixels, the Internet church
> Martyrs' Celebration,
Lowndes County, Hayneville, Alabama
> Rev. Billy at Mark's-in-the-Bouwerie,
> Visiting the world's
smallest church, Oneida, NY, USA
> Preacher of the
Year, London, fails to set hearts racing
> The United House
of Prayer, Roxbury, Boston
Hail & farewell
> Bishop consecrated: Duke University Chapel, Durham, USA
> New curate licensed at St Mary's, Liverpool, UK
> Rector pays it forward at St Peter, Upper Beeding, UK
> Presiding bishop preaches: Christ Church Cranbrook, USA
> Cake and fireworks at Laird Street Baptist, Birkenhead, UK
> Well done, Vicar! St Stephen, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK
> Nautical & nice: St Nicholas with All Saints, Wallasey, UK
> Flat, lacklustre last day at St Bernadette’s, Liverpool, UK
> Roses & peregrine falcons: Reveal of the Tomb of Richard III
> Bishop Suffragan of Burnley consecrated: York Minster, UK
> New superintendent welcomed: Newham Circuit, E. London
> Kursk Root Icon visits St Elisabeth, Wallasey, UK
> Outgoing pastor fruitful
at Honor Oak Baptist, London
> Time to let go: New
Church, Cranbrook Road, Bristol, UK
> Duke's Regiment returns
to St Anne's, St Annes on Sea, UK
> Overflowing with thanks
at St Paul's Cathedral, London
> St Anthony's relics
visit St Francis of Assisi, Chester, UK
> Minister inducted at
Drybrook Community Church (URC), UK
> New priest's first mass
at Incarnation, Dallas, USA
> "You're joking!" Don
Bosco's relics at Liverpool Met, UK
> Merely an observer as
Bishop of Chichester is enthroned, UK
> Rocking and swaying
at ordination of Bishop of Atlanta, USA
> St John Vianney's relic
arrives: Liverpool Met Cathedral, UK
> Induction wants cheering
up: St Mary the Virgin, Mold, UK
> Bishop consecrated at
St John the Divine, New York City
> Loyal and faithful virger
installed: St Paul's, London
> Bishop closes the church:
Holy Spirit, Phoenix, USA
> Vicar installed but
no rapture: St Andrew's, West Kirby, UK
> The new bishop is enthroned:
Southwark Cathedral, UK
> The bishop retires:
Lincoln Cathedral, UK
> Welcoming the relics
of St Thérèse, Mt Carmel, London
> Installation of the
11th Archbishop of Westminster, England
> Didgeridoos salute Australia's
first woman bishop
> The dean is seated:
Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, USA
> Investing the Bishop
at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
> Billy Graham's last
crusade? in Queens, NYC
> Common prayer at Sacred Heart Basilica, Notre Dame, USA
> From Conflict to Communion: St Andrew, Grand Rapids, USA
> "At One Table," Römerberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
> Act of Worship at Cambridge Theological Federation, UK
> Greatest Story Ever
Told: Trafalgar Square, London
> Day of prayer for peace:
Catch The Fire, Toronto, Canada
> Crucifixion on Victoria
Street: Walk of Witness, London
> Social justice preached
at Occupy Wall Street, NYC
> The Qur'an read
in a synagogue in Bloomington, Indiana
Greenbelt Festival
> A missed opportunity at Greenbelt Festival 2014
> Fire, mud and cupcakes
at Greenbelt 2012
> Not perfect: Greenbelt
Communion 2011
> Communion seen in a
mirror at Greenbelt Festival 2010
> Here comes the sun...
communion at Greenbelt 2008
> Pinning prayers to a
tree at Greenbelt's Communion 2005
> Sharing communion
with a damp backside: Greenbelt 2001
> Cyberfeminist
eucharist at Greenbelt 2000
> Worship in a field
at Greenbelt 1998
The Pope
> Pope Benedict visits
Westminster Abbey, London
> Pope Benedict praises
Pope Pius in St Peter's, Vatican City
> Inauguration of Pope
Benedict XVI
The Archbishop of Canterbury
> Pure spiritual delight: St Patrick's, Saul, County Down, UK
> Politics and dancing at Down Cathedral, Downpatrick, UK
> Question time for the
ABC: St Edmundsbury Cathedral, UK
> Absurd become reasonable:
Archbp of Canterbury installed
> Suffragan bishops consecrated
at Southwark Cathedral, UK
> Archbishop opens Advent:
St Martin in the Fields, London
> General Synod comes
to York Minster, York, UK
> ABC meets US Bishops,
New Orleans, USA
> Preaching (again)
in All Saints, Margaret St, London
> Preaching in All
Saints, Margaret St, London
> Enthronement in
Canterbury Cathedral
New York 9/11 and London 7/7
> Homespun 9/11 commemoration:
St Paul's Chapel, New York
> Remembering the victims
of 7/7 in London one year on
> Service of Prayer
with Tony Blair, St Thomas, New York
> Day of Remembrance
and Hope in St Bart's, New York
> National Day of
Prayer in Sacred Heart, Newark
> Seeing God face to face at St Paul's, Oakland, USA
> The bride wore
gold, the groom red, in Emmanuel, Leeds
Millennium reports
> Cyberfeminist
Eucharist at Greenbelt 2000
> Chautauqua Institution,
New York
> Millenium Mission,
Sheffield Arena
> Songs of Praise,
Millennium Stadium, Cardiff
> Men in huge coloured
ties at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff
> Millennium fanfares
in St Paul's Cathedral, London
> Tickelled pink at Worcester Cathedral, England
> Ken is at peace: St John’s, Deptford, London
> Called home: Hot Shots
Memorial, Prescott Valley, USA
> A road that few take:
Baroness Thatcher's funeral, London
> Remembering our Community
Editor, Erin Etheredge
> Service of thanksgiving
for Gambit, one of our shipmates
> The funeral of
Miss Molly in St Mark's, Salt Lake City
> Fr David Paget's
funeral in St Andrew's, Fulham, London
> Among the powerful
at the State Funeral of Pierre Trudeau
> Palpable sense of God at Ordination, Birmingham Cathedral
> Ordination, Methodist style: Desert SW Conf., Glendale, USA
> Love Jesus and his gospel:
Ordination Mass, Notre Dame, USA
> Christ leads at Lucernarium,
Moreau Chapel, Notre Dame, USA
> First mass: what would
Luke and John think? South Bend, USA
> Walk Christ's path:
Lucernarium, Notre Dame, USA
> Concentrated joy: Basilica
of Sacred Heart, Notre Dame, USA
> Deacon makes chalice:
Moreau Chapel, Notre Dame, USA
> Glimpses of heaven at
archbishop's ordination, Suva, Fiji
> Ordination amid blend
of traditions: St Joseph, Guildford, UK
> Bishop gets calling
card: St Simon & St Jude, Phoenix, USA
> Popping flashbulbs
in St Woolos, Newport, Wales
> The Mystery Ordinand,
Winchester, England
Mystery Worshipper Sunday
> Seventy
London churches all visited the same day
> Denied UK entry "by
the Devil", Hinn is there in spirit
> Ted Haggard's birthday,
New Life Church, Colorado Springs
in fun
> Promise of hope at the Nativity, Bethlehem
> Dancing cheek to cheek at the Rapture
> Who cast the deciding vote? Conclave of Cardinals, Vatican
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