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2461: La Plaza
United Methodist, Los Angeles, California, USA |
Worshipper: Amanda B. Reckondwythe.
The church:
La Plaza United Methodist, Los Angeles, California, USA.
United Methodist
The building:
An historic church built on the site of the first Spanish settlement
of Los Angeles. The work of late 19th/early 20th century architects
Train & Williams, who designed many ornate stately buildings
throughout southern California, the church dates from 1925 and
is in the Spanish Rococo (Churrigeresque) style. The building
next door was originally the headquarters of the Methodist California-Pacific
Conference and now houses the Mexican consulate-general. Over
the doorway is a stained glass window of a beckoning Christ
with the Spanish words Venid a mi (come to me), which
is stunningly reflected in a large mirror opposite the door.
Inside, the sanctuary slopes down toward a stage on which rest
the communion table, lectern, pulpit and chairs. There is a
balcony in the rear but it is closed off.
The church:
The Methodist Church has maintained an active presence here
since 1899, when it first began to offer medical and social
outreaches to the poor Hispanic community. On this spot in the
year 1918 there was born the charitable organization known as
Goodwill Industries. Among the church’s activities today are
a chapter of Methodist Women and a program that supplies clothing
to homeless men – of which, God help them, Los Angeles has more
than its share! The church conducts services exclusively in
The neighborhood:
This is the area known as Pueblo de Los Angeles, or Olvera Street.
In 1781 Spanish colonists established a settlement nearby, which
was shortly thereafter moved to the present location due to
flooding. As the city of Los Angeles grew, the old pueblo fell
to neglect and can be seen in the 1921 Charlie Chaplin silent
movie The Kid as little more than a dingy, dirty alley.
Plans for renovation and restoration were proposed in 1926 but
didn’t get underway until four years later and wouldn’t reach
fruition until the 1950s. Today Olvera Street is a major tourist
attraction of restored or reconstructed buildings and outdoor
markets that evokes a sentimental, nostalgic vision of old Mexico.
The cast: The Revd Rolando Barrios, pastor, preached and led the prayers. Rubén Lopez presided over the service. Ted Ramirez played piano.
The date & time: Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, November 11, 2012, 11.00am.
What was the name of the
Culto de Adoración (Worship Service).
How full was the building?
There was room for 200 but only 12 were present.
Did anyone welcome you personally?
As I arrived, the sexton was just opening the church. He welcomed
me and asked me where I was from. Later, inside, a lady came
up to me, welcomed me, and said, "I hope you don’t mind,
but our service is in Spanish." I assured her that I knew
some Spanish, and she replied in Spanish that she hoped I would
benefit from the service.
Was your pew comfortable?
Sort of. It was a wooden pew with a thin red cushion that kept slipping, but I wouldn’t call it uncomfortable.
How would you describe the pre-service
The few people that were there sat quietly or exchanged some quiet words with each other. A lady went from pew to pew kissing everyone she saw (I only got a "good morning"). The pianist played a medley of the hymns we would be singing.
What were the exact opening words of the
"Muy buenos días" (A very good morning).
What books did the congregation use during the
A service leaflet and a hymnal entitled Mil Voces Para Celebrar:
Himnario Metodista (A Thousand Voices to Celebrate: The
Methodist Hymnal).
What musical instruments were played?
A grand piano, in tune and sounding great, played with competence by Señor Ramirez.
Did anything distract you?
There was a health fair taking place outside on the plaza, where various health-related organizations had set up booths (I noted that one of them was a prepaid funeral service), and a mariachi band was playing some very loud music that couldn’t help but waft into the church.

Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or
It was all in Spanish, and was a mixture of hymns, prayers, notices and preaching. The lady who had greeted me announced that I was visiting, and so I had to stand up and say hello. There was an exchange of peace where everyone moved about shaking hands with everyone else. The hymns were all traditional and included some of my favorites ("I love to tell the story", "God of our fathers, whose almighty hand", "Amazing grace", etc. – but in Spanish!
Exactly how long was the sermon?
25 minutes.
On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher?
8 The pastor spoke eloquently and barely glanced at his
notes, but I had a feeling that even though I didn’t understand
most of what he said (it was all in Spanish, of course), I wouldn’t
be surprised if he was rambling on to a degree.
In a nutshell, what was the sermon
It was entitled El sumo sacerdote (the high priest).
Jesus was not a priest in the sense that "those Catholics
down the street" use the term. Jesus encounters us wherever
we may be – in the street, at home, at work or at play – and
leads us to God the Father. But we must allow him to lead us
– we must choose to follow him, leaving behind sin and material
temptations. He is the way, as he himself said.
Which part of the service was like being in
It was glorious to be singing all those wonderful old hymns in Spanish.
And which part was like being in... er... the other place?
But I quickly came to the conclusion that I have a long way to go before I can consider myself fluent in Spanish. Also, the service took place down on the floor, not on the stage, where microphones invitingly peered over the pulpit and lectern. Pastor Barrios spoke loudly enough that he could be heard without a microphone (although too rapidly for me to understand everything), but Señor Lopez badly needed a microphone, especially considering the amount of noise that was coming in from outside.
What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
Just about everyone shook my hand and said they hoped I had enjoyed the service.
How would you describe the after-service
There was none.
How would you feel about
making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
5 I liked the friendly spirit of the congregation, but
I was saddened by its small size. It didn’t appear to me that
they are doing anything to increase their ranks, even among
the Hispanic community, let alone an outreach to Anglos. There
has been an ongoing controversy over whether or not La Plaza
Church complies with earthquake code requirements. At one point
the City of Los Angeles actually changed the locks on the doors
and forcibly removed the pastor from inside the church
relenting only when the Methodist Church threatened to bring
legal action against the City. Perhaps the congregation fears
that the City will eventually prevail in the struggle and that
they will have to abandon this lovely building. One hopes not
a vital historical artifact would be lost.

Did the service make
you feel glad to be a Christian?
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
Singing so many of my favorite hymns in Spanish. |
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